Thanh Cong Medical Clinic focus on investing in modern medical equipment and experienced doctor team. It has become a reliable clinic address where the parents will choose to perform the examination, diagnosing, consulting and outpatient treatment for their children.

Main activities of department:


Paediatrics with spacious and modern environment will help children feel relax and comfortable to receive best treatment.

Experienced doctors with medical ethics come from best children’s hospitals and nursing team will always welcome and take care of patients friendly will help kids relieve the feeling of fear and anxiety through whole treatment process.

Dedicated doctors will advise the parents about their child’s health and comprehensive development. Besides, the children will be checked up periodically by a team of experienced specialists and consulted on immunization schedule. Always try our best to deserve the trust of parents, Thanh Cong Medical Clinic always accompany with parents on the journey to nourish their children with the comprehensive development of both physically and mentally. 

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If you see any problems with your child’s health, please visit Thanh Cong Medical Clinic or call the customer service center (028) 3815 9435 to promptly support.