Thanh Cong Medical Clinic
Thanh Cong Medical Clinic

Internal Medicine offers the following general health check services:
Early detection, diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions such as Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Endocrine, Renal, Neurological and Musculoskeletal. It also monitors and treats complications of the above mentioned diseases and guides the patient on effective prevention methods. Internal Medicine specialist who has comprehensive knowledge about variety of specialties will conduct examination in case of any unspecified illness. Furthermore, Internal Medicine doctor will work together with other specialist to provide the best and highly international standard treatment. 

Besides facilities and emergency treatment, the department also applies techniques such as X-ray techniques, vascular ultrasound, echocardiography, general ultrasound, gastrointestinal endoscopy, biochemical, microbiological test in screening cancer to achieve optimal treatment results.

Internal Medicine provides the following services:

  • Cardiovascular (THA, myocardial anemia, other cardiovascular diseases, ...)
  • Internal Digestion - Hepatobiliary - Hepatitis.
  • Respiratory
  • Neurology
  • Endocrinology (diabetes, thyroid disease ...)
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Cancer screening
  • Health counseling, drug counseling, healthy eating plan, exercise and others.

IMG 3590

(In particular, patients with health insurance cards are entitled to full benefits when they are examining and treating at Thanh Cong Medical Clinic for all specialists.)

Our medical team includes:

  • Doctors, nurses, specialist are trained specially to treat internal diseases. Internal Medicine doctor will work together with other specialist to provide the best and highly international standard treatment
  • Quality material and equipment
  • Providing services in sterile environment and ensure privacy for each customer

If you have any health problem with unknown causes, please come to Thanh Cong Medical Clinic or call the customer service center (028) 3815 9435 to be supported promptly.

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