Thanh Cong Medical Clinic
Thanh Cong Medical Clinic

In order to start and activate energy in early 2019, Thanh Cong Medical Clinic is pleased to host the second "Effective communication skills" training program. The course is held on 13rd Jan, 2019 with participation of more than 50 people who are Doctors and core staff of the Clinic.

 IMG 3716

The training course aims to provide the necessary techniques in building and developing effective communication skills. At the same time, improve the professional image of Thanh Cong Medical Clinic.

IMG 3805

By the guidance of Instructor named Diep Minh Nghi who has many years experiences in training and coaching has helped trainee understand the importance of positive thinking, respect for difference, create the coherence and understand each other in Clinic. From that we can build the standard communication culture in Clinic.

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As a private general clinic is forefront in training its staff, Thanh Cong Medical Clinic wishes to provide the best service and experience to its customers. The course of Effective Communication Skills has inspired the potential and solidarity of the team and contributing to create a strong Thanh Cong General Clinic.

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